Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Unrated DVD Rip Dual Audio Telugu Dubbed Movie

Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Unrated DVD Rip Dual Audio Telugu Dubbed Movie


Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Telugu Dubbed Movie

Black Cat Telugu Dubbed Movie

Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Unrated DVD Rip Dual Audio [Telugu + Spanish] Dubbed Movie
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Black Cat Movie Info:
Original Title: Hei mao
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller, Unrated
Cast: Jade Leung, Simon Yam, Thomas Lam, Curtis Fraser, Denise Stauffer, Jordy Shane, Audrey Rene, Mary Rawbins, Randi Lynne, Glen Morrison, Kiara Hunter, Jamie Estio, Yvonne Drinovz, Dickie Motherwell, Chan Korlikian
Director: Stephen Shin
Awards: 11th Annual Hong Kong Film Awards Best New Artist (Jade Leung Ching)
Country: Hong Kong
Format : Matroska
Format version : Version 4 / Version 2
File size : 1. GB
Duration : 1h 31mn
Width : 600 pixels
Height : 480 pixels
Audio Language: Telugu , Spanish

Hei mao Telugu Movie Story Line:

Catherine is a violent and disturbed young lady who is shot down by the government in one of her escapades. She wakes up in a training facility and is taught to use weapons.
Black Cat (Hei mao) Telugu Dubbed Movie Screen Shots
Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Telugu Dubbed Movie Screen Shot-1Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Telugu Dubbed Movie Screen Shot-2Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Telugu Dubbed Movie Screen Shot-3Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Telugu Dubbed Movie Screen Shot-4Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Telugu Dubbed Movie Screen Shot-5Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Telugu Dubbed Movie Screen Shot-6Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Telugu Dubbed Movie Screen Shot-7Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Telugu Dubbed Movie Screen Shot-8
Black Cat (Hei mao) (1991) Unrated DVD Rip Dual Audio [Telugu + Spanish] Dubbed Movie Download Links
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